CAN FINGER NAILS REVEAL PERSONALITYSome time ago you wrote a column which dealt in part with the possibility of a link between one’s eye color and one’s personality. I am fascinated by this sort of thing and have recently heard of a similar link between fingernail shape and personality type. Can you tell me anything of this?

Some claim there is a connection between personality type and nail shape. Find your profile below.

Round and wide. Although you appear to be passive and dependent, you are really quite self-sufficient and assertive. You crave the good things in life and especially enjoy the comforts of home. You would rather have a few close friends than many casual acquaintances.

Square. When there is work to be done, you are the one to do it. Your practical, organized, no-nonsense nature enables you to carry any task through to the end. You have a stronge sense of adventure with the physical vitality to match, but you will always stop whatever you’re doing to help a friend in need.

Long and oval. You are sensitive and loving but can also be a little detached at times. During these moments, you require solitude. You bring your own special creative touch to whatever you do, be it decorating your home, putting together an outfit, or giving a business presentation.

Small, thin and oval. You have a somewhat dreamy and impractical nature, but others appreciate you for your warmth and understanding. They also frequently want to take care of you – an offer you’ll accept but seldom need. Although routine work leaves you cold, you can produce surprising results in your own off-beat way when given a challenge.

Fan-shaped. Friendly, easy-going and generous to a fault, you are open to all of life’s possibilities and pride yourself on being a step ahead of the crowd. You are the life of any party and usually appear in the latest fashions first. Although gregarious, you prefer intimate conversations with good friends.

I wear nail polish all the time and am finding that the polish remover I’ve been using is drying out my nails. Would it help if I switched to one of the conditioning polish removers I see being sold? Nearly all nail polish removers are the same: solutions of acetone or chemical relatives of acetone mixed with oily liquids to keep the remover from drying out the nails completely.

Any number of emollients and conditioning agents can be incorporated into polish removers. Of the ingredients used, anything which is not acetone, water, fragrance, or color is probably a conditioner. Many manufacturers label their products “conditioning” nail enamel removers, though the word conditioning is a misnomer. No polish remover is good for your nails. In addition to being an extremely powerful solvent which dries out the nails and makes them brittle, acetone is also a strong degreaser capable of taking the oil out of the nails so they cannot retain moisture. Thus, since it is doubtful that emollients or other conditioners can mitigate the damage caused by acetone, polish removers should be purchased on the basis of price alone. There is simply not enough difference to justify paying for an expensive remover. If your nails are becoming brittle, an application of petroleum jelly at bedtime will help far more than an expensive conditioning nail polish reover.

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